Gold Card
Colorado College is pleased to offer our campus community the ease and confidentiality of a "one-card" system. Not simply an ID, the Colorado College Gold Card is the key to many campus services including photo identification, improved security, controlled residence hall access, cash-less transactions, library access, sports/activity tickets, as well as other services including printers and copiers. Students are required to have a Gold Card in their possession at all times and present it to Campus Safety or other college officials whenever requested. It is a serious conduct violation to transfer, deface, or alter a Gold Card. Anyone found to have misused a card will be subject to disciplinary action.
Jump to:
- How to Receive a Gold Card
- Lost or Stolen Card
- Replacement Cards
- Account Funds
- Establishments accepting Gold Card Plus
- Spouses/Dependents
How to Get a Gold Card
The ITS Solutions Center issues all Gold Cards. New students receive their Gold Card during New Student Orientation.
New faculty/staff members may obtain a Gold Card when employment paperwork is complete. When you receive an email approving your Gold Card request, please go to Single Sign In: and choose Gold Card Management. From there select Photo Upload and follow the guidelines to upload your photo. You will receive an email when your card is available for pick up. Be prepared to show a photo ID.
Lost or Stolen Card
Cardholders are responsible for immediately reporting a lost/stolen card through Single Sign In.
- Navigate to Single Sign In and choose GOLD CARD MANAGEMENT
- Under Account Management, choose Lost/Stolen Card
- Click on DEACTIVATE. Lost cards may be reactivated through these same steps.
All services will be deactivated once the card has been reported lost to prevent possible misuse by another party. The cardholder will not be able to gain access to any location requiring a Gold Card or obtain access to any funds on the account until the card is re-activated or replaced.
Replacement Cards
Replacement cards are reissued to students for a $30 replacement fee and can be charged to your student account.
Staff and Faculty may request a replacement card through Gold Card Management.
To request a replacement card, navigate to the Single Sign In: and choose Gold Card Management. Under Account Management, choose Replacement Gold Card. You will be notified when your card is ready for pick up. Be prepared to show a photo ID.
Account Funds
Funds may be deposited onto a Gold Card Plus account through Single Sign In:, choose GOLD CARD MANAGEMENT and MAKE A GOLD CARD PLUS DEPOSIT
Money deposited on the Gold Card Plus account is available for use at all campus locations as well as many off-campus locations.
The Bon Appetit Faculty/Staff Lunch Club is only purchased through GOLD CARD MANAGEMENT. The Lunch Club may only be used at Rastall Café
See the Gold Card Plus page on the Student Accounts website for a list of on and off campus locations which accept Gold Card Plus for payment.
Gold Cards are available to a spouse/domestic partner and/or dependents of Colorado College employees. A dependent Gold Card authorizes the user for many privileges and access including Tutt Library, Adam F Press Fitness Center, Schlessman Pool, and Honnen Ice Rink. Children- dependents must be at least 16 to use the fitness center. Dependent priveleges end once an individual turns 26. Tickets to Colorado College events are often free (or discounted) with a CC ID. Spouse/Dependents are not eligible to participate in the Bon Appetit Lunch Club program.